Loan Application Target Closing Date * MM DD YYYY Is this new construction? * Yes No Is the property currently occupied with a long term lease in place, or will the property be leased prior to closing? * Yes No Is there a signed purchase & sales agreement? * Yes No Basic Guarantor Information: Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Primary Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Social Security Number Citizenship * U.S. Citizen Permanent Resident Confirm the following statement are true: The owner(s) of the property and the guarantor will not occupy the property * Yes No The borrower has not had a bankruptcy in the past 24 months * Yes No The borrower is current on all their mortgage accounts and have never had a foreclosure or short sale * Yes No Referrer: * Please select the name of the representative you are working with at Arise Capital: Tony Miner Will Pottebaum Joshua Drewes Sang Miner Thank you!